
Kouja no Senshi Christmas Special 2 6

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Chapter 6: Vengeance on Ratigan

At a small meeting, the ones caged looked worried as they saw a familiar cat guarding the place. All while they also watched Carl speaking to the mice below them.

Carl: King Hiram has died and gone. With no other offspring to produce as his heir, his older son mentally retarded, and the other son disowning the title of ruler of mice, there shall be a new leader!

Many of them became concerned.

Carl: For your own pleasure, (quietly) and for mine, (loudly) I give you your new rulers!

Then, out came Kate, wearing a princess-like dress as she looked more concerned.

Carl: Queen Katherine and her soon-to-be husband...Professor Ratigan!

Then, out came Ratigan, grinning as he wore a crown with purple robes having metals on it. The crowd only looked horrified while a young mouse stuck his tongue out before the mother quickly covered his mouth.

Fievel: So that's it! Without the king, Ratigan now controls it!

Ratigan: Thank you, Carl. And now, as your new king I have a few uh, slight suggestions.

He chuckled as he pulled out a huge roll of paper, letting it fall down while it headed out of sight. All while the mice captured glanced at Warren with the fainted Mary returning, then at the stuffed toys waiting.

Stan: This better be worth some honey he promised.

Heff: Oh, I hope so, Stan. And I hope we don't see any giant mice on the way.

Stan: Idiot, they are-

Warren: Shh! You gonna get us all killed if you tell him that.

Jaq: (gasps) Is that one of those cats that was with Mickey?

Gus: I think so.

Mary Mouse: But what's he doing with her?

Ratigan then placed on his reading glasses as he began to speak.

Ratigan: Ahem. Item one. Katherine's heritage about her former life must not be made fun of, under penalty of torture!

Carl: What!? You mean I can't say how much of a stupid freak she-

At that moment, the hamster quickly used a cattle prod on him.


Then, he fell to the ground, with his eyes swirled.

Carl: (blackened) Ow...

Ratigan: Now you know why. Item two.

At Tokyo, James, who had returned from the North Pole noticed a glass breaking. He gasped before looking at the photo of himself with the happy Hotaru and the other Team Spicer members that were reunited.

James: Oh no...Hotaru! (frowns) I bet that woman was up to this! Don't worry, Hotaru, I'll make sure you're welcomed back, wherever you are!

Back with the others, Hiram opened his eyes, no longer looking insane, before noticing Adelaine groaning and awakening.

Hiram: Huh? Adelaine?

Adelaine: (notices) Hiram? Are...are we in purgatory...or more likely, in Hell?

Hiram: I don't see any fire between us, but-

Just then, he and Adelaine felt their chest wounds, noticing themselves no longer wounded.

Hiram: No...we're alive and...

The two mice looked around before noticing Mickey, Minnie, Timothy, and Jenny, back in shrunken size. The four came up to them as Mickey looked away.

Mickey: Dad?

He looked at Mickey as he continued.

Mickey: I...(sadly) I don't know what to say.

Hiram: (smirks) I was wrong about your friends, and...about you.

Mickey: I...I don't want you to think I'm choosing this over family. (sighs) I can't choose between two halves of myself-

Hiram: Look, I'm not talking about fighting. I'm talking about guts!

He then looked at where the Kouja no Senshi were in hiding.

Hiram: Does this really mean that much to you?

He nodded a bit.

Hiram: Well, the truth is...I was really proud of what you did, but...I was afraid to lose you and...

The mice hugged while Numbah 3 sighed.

Numbah 3: Awww, what a happy end for the family.

Psycho: That reminds me, Drosselmeyer, how the heck did you survive all these years anyway?

Drosselmeyer: Before I could leave the palace I was banished from, I found these lying on the ground.

To their shock, they saw some familiar items.

All: Digivices!

Serena: That explains it!

Tigger: You're one of us, bub!

Mushu: Yeah! Wonder who else, though? (notices) Hey, where's Fox Boy at anyway?

Voice: I saw the fox heading at another direction.

They turned, noticing Fritz near the door.

Fritz: The fox kept mentioning about getting that guy from the Great Mouse Detective.

Hiram then looked horrified with realization before becoming angered.

Hiram: Ratigan! He...he set me up! He set us all up!

Rabbit: It is about time!

Hiram: Okay, after Ratigan's finished I-

Hans: Uh, wait...

Hiram: (shocked) You're still around!?

Hans: Look, I was told everything. I didn't mean to hurt you and well...if I would have known, we could have talked over this.

Max Rabbit: Ooooh, he got burned on that one.

Hiram: Shut up!

Darian: And Hiram, I was only telling the Phantom Blot those awful words because...well, I didn't want to see you or Mickey hurt!

Hiram: only said it to protect me and Mickey?

Courage: (nods) Uh-huh. That's right. If he didn't, you two would have ended up as toys as well!

Hiram: I see...but...there's still Swiper who said-

At that moment, the medium slapped the small rodent.

All: Shirly!

Shirly: Snap out of it! Swiper never said that stuff!

Hiram: (confused) Huh, what?

Courage: She's right, Shirly and I were there.

She then showed a familiar stone to him.

Shirly: It's called a memory stone, it records a certain person talking. I have it record Swiper's voice whenever I wish to remember stuff.

Hiram: What did it record?

Shirly: Listen...

She wave a spell over it. Suddenly a familiar voice came from it.

Swiper's Voice: Hiram...if you're out here...please come back. It's all my fault. I never should have gone to the past in accident. I only ask for your forgiveness if you ever come here tonight. And if you have Mickey and Minnie with them...take care of them, okay? Tell the others, I'll be waiting, okay?

Hiram: But that wasn't what...(realizes) those bastards! They lied to me!

Adelaine: Hiram?

Hiram: They not only set me up, but that stupid cat practically shot me with a DIP Bullet and tricked us to killing one another!

Toons: Goodness!

He then looked horrified as he continued.

Hiram: I bet Swiper's going after them after what they did...

Mr. Grumpy: No kidding, after seeing you get shot like that, he's practically asking for revenge against them!

Rini: Um...did either of you two or those rats had any babies coming up soon?

Adelaine: Rini, now is not the time to discuss that! And besides, how could we think about having children at times like those!?

Rini: (gasps) If Swiper dies or they die, then that means either Melody and Sonik or Malcolm won't ever be born like Penny almost never became born!

Hiram: What are you talking about?

She looked more concerned as Kaylee spoke.

Kaylee: It's all right...they have a right to know.

Clara: Know what?

Rini: (sighs) Guys...Malcolm is the son of Ratigan and Penny is the daughter of these two mice.

Many of the present time ones looked shocked.

Hiram: That ass, having a son?! I don't know if I find it amusing or disgusting!

Sonik: It's true, they do exist.

Melody: Oh man, dad! I bet he's gonna do something stupid!

Fritz: Huh? What do you-?

Mushu: You're allowed some breaks, right?

Drosselmeyer: Yes, why?

Quickly, the dragon turned the sign saying "back in 30 minutes" before spraying the shrinking potion on the ones not small or animal sized before the others looked concerned.

Lindsey: Are you sure we can fight like this?

Axel: Hey come on, the spell's broke, we're alive again, and I feel like frying some rats!

He brought out his chakrams as the Fentons turned to ghosts.

Danny: Well, now's not the time to be celebrating. Come on.

They began heading off. However, Xion groaned, falling to her knees before both Wacky and Mr. Happy stopped.

Xion: Ugh...I don't know why I feel like this...

Mr. Happy: Uh, Xion, can I talk to you for a moment that doesn't sound embarrassing in-

Ezekiel: (looks back) Hey, did you get that kid pregnant, Wack?

Wacky: (glares) Ezekiel!

Eva: (yanks him) That was a complete feminist remark!

LeShawnna: We'll deal with you after this is over!

Xion: I was...pregnant?

Mr. Happy: Well, it's complicated and you didn't realize it 'til now.

Wacky: Uh, yeah, about that...

He looked a bit bashful before Xion sighed.

Xion: Come on, we have some friends to help.

She began heading off before Wacky grinned.

Wacky: Heh, good to have you back, Xion.

He followed after her while Mr. Happy followed, frowning.

Mr. Happy: Wait, you can't go in your condition!

Back with the colony, Mary awoke before noticing Warren holding her with his arms.

Mary Cat: Huh? What the heck-?

Warren: Shh, he's almost done.

She looked before gasping, noticing Ratigan and Kate talking with the other mice and rats.

Ratigan: Item 96 (snickers) A heavy tax shall be levied against all parasites and sponges. Such as the elderly, the infirm and especially (snickers) little children.

He leaned upside down over the railing to sneer at the glaring mouse boy from before before his mother whisked him away. An elder mouse frowned as he approached him with anger.

Elder: (glares) That's ridiculous. You're insane.

Ratigan: Perhaps I haven't made myself clear.

He snatched the cane from him, making him fall.

Ratigan: I have the power!

He broke it in two before jumping on the rail.

Ratigan: I am supreme.

The caged ones gasped a bit.

Ratigan: This is my kingdom! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

The others only looked horrified while a familiar figure in the shadows prepared to head to the stage.

Ratigan: That is, of course, if Katherine approves as well.

He gave out a small chuckle.

Swiper's Voice: Why would she? She's not fit to rule.

The others looked shocked, then turned as they saw Swiper approaching, clutching onto the DIP-made dagger.

Ratigan: Ah, Swiper...what brings you here?

Warren: How's the king?

Kate: Hey, what's wrong with you? Why do you act like you want revenge?

Swiper then pointed accusingly to both Warren and Ratigan.

Swiper: Why don't you ask the collector and your so-called groom!?

Many of them gasped with realization dawning onto the others.

Justin: Oh no...that means he's...

Brain: Just like Adelaine!

Speedy: Uh oh, not good.

Ratigan: Oh my dear fox friend...I thought you would be happy to see that traitor put to death.

He glared, raising his dagger.

Warren: Hey, we were only doing ya a favor. Work with us here!

Fidget: Vlad, Dumb Bots, take out the enemy!

Vlad: With pleasure! (to himself) And hope Jack better spy than I was.

Then, to the foes' shock, the robots and Vlad hit the bat toward Hamsterviel, knocking the two foes out before joining his side.

Scratch: You killed the only person that respects us!

Grounder: Yeah, you betrayed all kind!

Coconuts: And don't even go there on trying to trick us. We won't fall for it!

Ratigan: You forget, I make people fear! (to the crowd) Bow before your king!

Many of them, with worried looks, only bowed in fear. However, Mouser glared as he spoke.

Mouser: You may make them bow, but I only bow to the true kings: Hiram and Bowser!

Ratigan: Fine, Mouser...if that is what you believe...

Mary Cat became worried before she got off of Warren.

Mary Cat: Come on, he knows loyalty when he sees one, pure blood and marriagable ones! He uh, just thinks that-

However, Mortimer yanked her by the hair.

Mortimer: Ya talk too much!

Warren: Whoa, she's fragile!

Mortimer: Come on, at least let her die in torturing fast pain!

Jimmy Two-Teeth: All right, let's take 'em all out. I'll make sure that the fox-

Just then, he noticed his money with fake prints before glaring, tearing it in two.

Jimmy Two-Teeth: The gerbil set me up! He gave me prop money! That won't fix Timmy Two-Teeth up!

Hamsterviel: (gets up) I am not a gerbil! I am a hamster! HAMSTER!!

Jimmy Two-Teeth: Shut it!

Ratigan: I'll deal with this myself-

Just then, a blade nearly struck him and Kate, tearing his robe and her dress off before the female rat screamed, covering her undergarment body.

Kate: AHHHH!

Ratigan: Who dares strip me of our royal garment?

Just then, a familiar blade with a familiar angry face glared to him.

Hiram: I do!

Ratigan: (shocked) You're still alive?!

Then, he noticed the good guys arriving with a blast hitting the cage, freeing the others as Sylvester glanced at Tweety.

Sylvester: Usually, I don't like working with you, Tweety, but in this case, I'll make an exception.

Tweety: Oh you'll be chasing me again eventually, puddy tat.

Swiper: (surprised) Hiram...he's alive?!

Warren: Ugh! (holds Blunderbuss) I use this to kill Hiram before so I will make sure he's gone this time!

Suddenly Mr. Bump jumps in and knock the weapon away with a familiar staff.

Mr. Bump: Keep your hands off, kitty!

Warren: Hey!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Pikachu zaps Warren quickly, making him yelp in concern.

Hiram: Swiper...I know the truth now. (glancing at Ratigan angrily) That rat bastard has deceived me! I'm sorry.

Swiper: Hey, why should ya? (smirks) It's Ratigan who should be sorry!

Ratigan: (growls) I will finish you off myself!

Swiper and Hiram fight off Ratigan as the heroes fight off the rest of Team Spicer.

Sailor Mars: Kate, don't make me hurt you! I don't wish to harm my cousin!

Sailor Steel Rat: Me either, but Ratigan would dumped me if I refuse.

Saix: Worry about this!

Saix knocks Sailor Steel Rat away with his claymore.

Sailor Mars: (annoyed) Mind being careful, Saix?

Saix: That doesn't me I like you!

Coconuts throws bombs at Carl who dodge them.

Carl: Watch it or I'll give you the bird!

Carl yelps as a flame cover him, burning him for a moment. He glance at Mushu who laughs.

Mushu: Sorry, not in this special!

Carl: (coughing) Oh great...

Lucifer was chasing the mice, though Speedy quickly used his speed, making him dizzy.

Speedy: All yours, Pluto.

Just then, Pluto, after being splashed by the growth potion, chased the cat as Lucifer screeched, running for dear life. He jumped onto a wall as Pluto barked. It stuck out its tongue before hopping over. Just then, barking and cat screeching were heard.

Owl: Goodness, I guess that cat's taken care of.

All while Heff and Stan looked worried.

Heff: Uh, can we run, Stan?

Stan: Yes!

The two began running before a familiar kitten, grinning, pounced onto them, tossing them up playfully like yarn.

Both: Whoa! Gah!

Mortimer fights Mickey and his friends. Just then the villain knocks the mouse down.

Mortimer: Ha ha ha! Gotcha now, Mickey!

Mickey: (frowns) And to think, you used to be my duke!

Mortimer: Hey, you think I served ya faithfully?! I was waiting for the right moment to get rid of you so I can have your castle and Minnie all to myself.

Minnie: Eeeew, you are terrible!

Mortimer: You won't be once Mickey is gone.

Suddenly Mortimer got hit by a zap making him got off of Mickey in pain. He turn as a glaring familiar rabbit appear.

Oswald: Stay away from my brother!

Sora: (surprised) Oswald?

Mickey: (got up) Gosh, Oswald. Whatcha doing here?

Oswald: (grins) Hey, it's the Christmas season. What, you don't think I can't spend it with my family?

Mickey: (grins) Well, when you put it that way...

Meanwhile, Swiper and Hiram quickly resume the fight with Ratigan.

Hiram: You deceived me, Mickey, Minnie and Swiper! I am disgusted to even work with you in the first place!

Ratigan: Oh what? You're going to hit me like you did when Kate went on vacation?! I'm not easily shaken this time!!!

Hiram: You want shaken?! I'll give you shaken!!!!

Hiram grabs the Smash Ball, much to Swiper's worry.

Swiper: Hiram, remember what happened the last time.

Hiram: I know what I'm doing!!!

Hiram uses the Smash Ball and soon goes into Rat Rage again.

Hiram: Grrrrrrr!

Hiram slash at Ratigan, making him yelp as he tries to block but got hit a lot of times. Then he get send towards Sailor Steel Rat, knocking her down.

Sailor Steel Rat: Ouch!

Ratigan: Sorry, Kate!

Hiram growl as he attacks anyone still on the Team Spicer's side, hurting them like mad. Soon, the bad guys look a bit worried as the Mouse King spoke.

Hiram: Listen up! If you ever try to take my kingdom again, the next attack by me will not leave just bruises and scars.

Mortimer: Eeep!

Warren: He isn't bluffing!

Hiram: GET OUT!

Carl: Hey, we are out...

Hiram hiss at Team Spicer causing them to yelp as they ran away in alarm.

Ratigan: This isn't over, Hiram!

With that, Team Spicer rush away until they are gone. Soon Hiram went back to normal as he notice the others staring.

Hiram: What?

Remy: (sweatdrop) From now on, let's try to stay on your good side.

Danny: Errr, right.

Miss Sunshine: On the plus side, it's still Christmas Eve.

Mr. Tickle: But Oswald, how did you know where to find Mickey anyway?

Oswald: Let's just say a birdie told me.

Then, Tweety gasped as he noticed a familiar bird arriving.

Tweety: Hey, it's Awooga!

Awooga: I figured you would need a little backup.

Melody: At least you're all right, dad.

Ami: Hai, who knows what could have happened if we didn't show up.

Sora: So, Vlad, I guess the whole spy business didn't turn out as good as you thought after all, huh?

Vlad: It okay. I got someone better to do spying.

Riku: Who?

Vlad: a secret!

Some of them fell to the ground.

Grounder: Uh...since we're now stranded...can we hitch in with you guys?

Scratch: Grounder!

Bloo: After what you dumb bots did?! Are you nuts!?

Adelaine: At least let them...unpack our items back at your HQ.

Sailor Mercury: Well, we are glad you could join us.

Jaden: Does that mean we're part of you guys now?

Sailor Moon only smiled and nodded.

Jaden: Awesome!

Mr. Happy: I think it's best we get back to Tokyo ASAP, okay?

Clara: But what about my family?

Then, they noticed Shirly taking out some dust.

Shirly: Do not worry...they won't know you're gone.

She blew the dust toward where the town was.

Drosselmeyer: The amnesia dust.

Shirly: I always make sure I have more than enough.

Swiper, meanwhile, only looked at Hiram for a moment before hugging him.

Swiper: Don't ever do something stupid like that ever again!

The fat mouse looked a bit stunned before a soft smile came, then he hugged him.

Hiram: Don't worry, at least I'm alive, aren't I?

Then, they saw the crowd cheering before Mickey smiled.

Mickey: Awww, thanks, everybody.

Miss Chatterbox: It's a Merry Christmas after all.

Then, Nack noticed something odd.

Nack: Looks like Bat Squirrel's gone again. I wonder where he goes to anyway?

Psycho: Who knows and who cares?

Max Rabbit: My thoughts exactly.

Some time later, back in Tokyo, the group arrived back to Tokyo as Darian smiled.

Darian: It's good to be home again.

Serena: Yeah...after all this time against Xemnas, Xenohort, Marluxia, the Blot, Sal'uk, Zira, and Morgana, we're all finally home...(looks at everyone) together.

The others only smiled as Awooga grinned.

Awooga: I think I shall like being with you and the others, Tweety.

Speedy: Si, now if only we can get Sylvester to stop with the mice and bird eating.

Sylvester: (glares) Don't count on it!

At that moment, he snatched Tweety. He prepared to eat the bird before a voice screamed and an umbrella hit him, making him let Tweety go.

Tweety: Gwanny!

Granny: Sylvester, how many times do I have to tell you not to eat Tweety!

Sylvester: Sufferin' succotash! Now out of all times!?

Tweety: It's like they say: some puddy tats never change.

Many of them laughed a bit before we pull back and glance at the sky, with the snow flowing by.

(ED: Tokku Made by Do as Infinity)

As the credits began, we see the heroes arriving back to their homes. It then showed everyone reunited happily as the ones left behind grinned with some explaining what had happened. It then showed Serena looking curious on what Fuzzy had in his bag before quickly running off. Then, it showed Mr. Uppity crying as he saw his mall in ruins. However, he backslapped Mr. Perfect's hand away, glaring at him. Then, it showed the families reunited as they hugged happily while the couples under the mistletoes kissed. Then, it showed many of the Team Spicer members returning, though James was in tears, hugging a pillow marked "Hotaru" on it, much to some of them's annoyance. Then, it showed Kate wrapping Ratigan's wound before he smiled to her while she smiled back. Then, it showed Serena with Mac, Marie, Stitch, Numbah 2 preparing to head to Fuzzy as Santa before Bloo prepared to pull off the beard, much to Grievous' annoyance. It then showed the credits and scenes from the second season until the song and final scene, which had a postcard of the heroes together along with new members and a pink koala girl hugging Stitch, fade to black.

The End of Season 2...
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CrossCartoon's avatar
Fantastic ending!
Merry Christmas Julayla! :hug: