
LOTI~NAP Style: Consequence 4

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Julayla-64's avatar

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(Act 4)

At the desert-looking summit, Lyric looked stunned at Toffee while the latter was using a telescope with Rasticore impatiently waiting.

Lyric: What?! They have one of the Chaos Crystals?!

Toffee: Yes. It is the Flame Crystal from the lava, sir.

Lyric: GRRR!!

He clenched his metal claw in anger.

Rasticore: Let me go down there. Since none of the ones who cannot take blood are not here, I don't need to hold back on killing.

Toffee: No, Rasticore. There is a better solution...

He aimed his finger missing with half star on palm hand, aiming to the rocks, starting to hit them with a beam.

Lyric: And will this accomplish?

Toffee: (grins) Why getting our crystal back, sir.

After a few moments, he began turning to the two.

Toffee: I also know where the others are. We should get to them, sir.

Lyric pondered at where Toffee had departed with Rasticore a bit concerned.

Lyric: Something is off about all of this...come on!

Meanwhile, with Jim's group, the boy pointed as he spoke.

Jim: The second summit. (points) There it is, Ben.

Psycho: (frowns) We see it. No need for pointing, Jimmy.

Blaze: Come on, what are we waiting for?

The wind blew a bit with some leaves blowing a bit to them.

Ben: (looks around) Well it looks all right...but it's too quiet.

Tails: (grins) It's just a difficult walk to the summit. We can do it.

Mina: I just hope Sonic and the others are doing all right, wherever they are.

They slowly began climbing, wincing and struggling.

Rainbow: If I know that hedgehog, he's probably screaming about his water fears right now.

Back on the drifting Hispanola, Sonic darted to each side of the ship, looking at the waters below as the ship with them on it kept drifting.

Sonic: Water...and more water...(shivers) this sucks! I-

Amy: Sonic, calm down. You worrying about water isn't making this easier for any of us.

Sonic: I can't help it! I'm not good at dealing with being around water this big!

Amy: One of these days, Sonic, you're going to learn to swim!

Batula: (sighs) Can you TRY not to shout so much? I'm trying to figure a plan on vhat to do.

At that moment, the Babylon Rogues with Flint approached, holding some familiar snakes.

Flint: By the way, did you know we found some snake stowaways?

Allegro: AHHHH!! Mama mia!

Skaa: (annoyed) Let go of us!

Wave: What are you guys doing back on the Hispanola? Didn't you wash off of it?

Kaa: We were looking for survivors. (nervously) And possibly some smackerals while we're at it.

Sir Hiss: AND two of us wanted to get away from Lyric. He's just as insane as he was from before Cell banished him and the other traitors!

Allegro: I suppose your leader, Cell, was a saint, huh?

Kaa: Uh no. He wasn't either...he planned to kill us to be the most supreme being of all the world. Fortunately, his weakened body prevented that from happening.

Skaa: He banished us because YOU idiots thought I killed Father. I had nothing to do with dad's death!

Sir Hiss: (sighs) It was more than just killing Kaa Sr. that did it. Both Cell and Lyric fought for power, but there was something strange...whenever I looked at Toffee before his own banishment, I saw him not wanting to take a chance at power like they had.

Everyone looked a bit confused.

Smollett: Wait...who's Toffee?

Sir Hiss: He and Rasticore claim to be from a lost clan of Serpentine, the former manipulating his way into the higher ups while the latter was physically convincing enough to be believed.

He sighed a bit.

Sir Hiss: And honestly, no one knows what those two truly are. I did hear them talk about something called a star...a Star of Mewni.

A few looked shocked while realizing.

Batula: I know vhat he's talking about!!

Jane: What do you mean? That wand that appeared to Star after we helped the alicorn, Amalthea?

Batula: (seriously) Yes...

He looked back at his Camelot world book, looking concerned.

Batula: But how did he even arrive to vhere you all were...?

Back on the island, as they walked through the rocky area, Billy pondered at something.

Billy Bones: (concerned) Ben, is it me or does it feel like we're being watched?

Sticks: Yeah, you're telling me. Amnesia Canyon doesn't have that mist anymore here. Usually it shows up and bam, you temporarily forget! Although now that I think about it, with Chzo changing the island because of the god statue's destruction, the island's probably terraformed or something.

Ben: No you two. It's not you. I've been thinking that for a while too.

Jim: But we're the only ones on the island now.

Twilight: He's right. Aside from who we left behind on the beach, I don't think anyone else survived the tidal wave.

Mina looked more worried when she looked back.

Ben: Don't be so sure, Jim. Stranger things HAD happened.

Nack: And besides, if Rat Badger WAS dead, I would know.

Psycho: (grins) On the bright side, with the island changing sceneries for the second season, we can at least see some spookables.

They climbed up a bit more, heading to the high point.

Ben: Up you come, lads.

They were pulled up with Swiper sighing.

TK: So far, there's no sign of anything Chzo like.

Kari: All we need to do is plant these trees, then the island can be saved for a while.

They struggled to climb up, grunting a bit as Ben was pushed up.

Marine: (struggling) We're almost there!

The older dog climbed a vine with each following slowly.

Patamon: Come on, guys. We're nearly there now.

After most were up, Jim pulled the vine before climbing up with Gatomon.

Gatomon: Oh I hope you're right, Patamon.

Finally, after the two finished climbing, they came to the solid ground, panting a bit.

Pinkie: Man, that was a big long hike!!

Seasalt Sally: Black Dog would've hated it if we were hiking in the desert looking place all day.

Pinkie: (grins) Wile E. Coyote wouldn't mind. I mean he lives in the desert with Road Runner!

Rainbow: (chuckles) And getting blow up by whatever he buys from Acme.

Marine: He-he-he-he. Wile E. never misses his cue.

A few, however, looked at the oddly shaped rock close to them.

Ben: Well that's a weird sight if ever I saw one.

Rarity: I'm beginning not to like this, friends. It's so strange and still.

They looked at the oddly shaped rocks with faces on them.

Jim: She's right, look at those rocks. They look almost alive!

Nack: So what are they? Those rock people from Ardenbelle?

Sticks: What the heck is a Ardenbelle?

Psycho: That's what I wanna know!

Nack: Oh sorry, I meant Arendelle! I don't know why I was thinking of a celbrity I don't even know!

Ben shook his head before looking at Jim and Rarity.

Ben: I know what you mean, lad, but...they're only rocks. How can rocks possibly do anything to us?

Sticks: (frowns) I don't know, but I don't trust them! They may have conspiracies!

Nack: Yeah. For all we know, they may have invented rock and roll!

Most: (annoyed) Boooo!

Nack: What?

They made their way through the place, the nervous Fluttershy shivering as she clinged to her friend.

Fluttershy: (fearfully) I really really don't want to be here.

Cody: We've been through worse, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: What if it's like the Red Bull centaur? What if they try to shove us to the sea and kill us there like it almost happened when the bull almost sealed Amalthea!?

Rainbow: Fluttershy, I doubt being in a rocky area is going to bring a red bull here. It doesn't even give you wings!

Entering the cavern, the group walked through the place, Mina looking up ahead at the depressed Swiper with more worry. She then turned to the others when out of hearing range.

Mina: (quietly) you think, when we have time, that we'll help Swiper out of his depression and anger?

Ben: (quietly) Maybe, lass. But I doubt we can do much for him.

Tails: (nods) Yeah...and besides, Swiper's guilt probably made him lash out at Br'er Fox. I mean I was surprised when I learned it too, but I don't go snapping out on anger.

Marine: (saddened) I hope that when this is all over, we can make proper graves for our fallen friends. At least Mordecai and Rigby won't have to suffer anymore...

She sniffed sadly.

Jim: But if Mandy does have a way to come back...

Nack: Right now, we should probably keep going.

They nodded slowly, continuing on while Twilight looked at the Flame Crystal from her bag.

Twilight: I still can't believe this crystal is going to be the source of getting us home. If we're this lucky, we'll probably get both the treasure AND all the crystals before Chzo's island even disappears on the 28th.

Yolei: (grins) But it's going to be worth it, Twilight. And best of all, no Lyric or stupid Order jerks behind our backs!

As they continued, neither of the team members noticed a familiar group of Egg Bosses passing by them with Tundra trying to keep the somewhat comatized Betemesis from falling to the ground while Axel was struggling to keep balance from carrying Pew, who's eyes were closed.

Israel: (pauses) What's wrong with Betemesis? She's not a jerk.

Seasalt Sally: You're talking like ALL of them are jerks.

Yolei: (uneasily) Oh uh well, I uh...I only meant...what I meant to say was...

Billy Bones: We'll talk about it later. Right now, we have a mission to finish.

After departing the cavern, once Pew's group was no longer on their sight, the good guys climbed up another monster-shaped rock, though Jim yelped and wobbled a bit. When he tried to move, it wobbled by itself, confusing him.

Jim: What!?

Ben: (grabs him) Steady there, lad. Don't lose it now.

Jim only laughed a bit nervously with Ben helping him up. All while Sticks looked at the rock below them.

Sticks: (pauses) Did that rock just move?

At that moment, a monstrous rock-looking monster rose up, trying to snatch the gang with Marine screaming, being grabbed.

Sticks: Yep, it definitely moved.

Marine: (panics) AHHHH! Ben! Everyone! Something's got me!!

Applejack: Hang on 'dere!!

They pulled hard with Flamedramon glaring.

Flamedramon: Well good thing I'm still full of energy. FIRE ROCKET!!

The rock monster's arm was blasted, causing it to break and free Marine. As that happened, they noticed more rock monsters coming to life as they gasped, one grabbing Jim.

Ken: Oh no...

Jim: It's the rocks! They ARE alive!

Another rock creature appeared below.

Ben: (struggles) Hold on, Jim! I've got you!

Both struggled with Ben gasping, noticing the smaller one preparing to bite, though missed and bit the bigger one's arm, causing it to scream and let Jim go.

Cody: We better use our armor Digimon while we're here.

TK: could use all the help you can get, Flamedramon.

Davis: Then do it!


Nack: Oh look. It's the Rolling Stones.

Yolei: (scoffs) Oh please!

The four Digimon glowed as they shouted.

Armadillomon: Armadillomon...Armor Digivolve to...

Hawkmon: Hawkmon...Armor Digivolve to...

Patamon: Patamon...Armor Digivolve to...

Gatomon: Gatomon...Armor Digivolve to...

They glowed brightly as they transformed to their armored counterpart.

Digmon: Digmon! The Drill of Power!

Halsemon: Halsemon! The Wings of Love!

Pegasusmon: Pegasusmon! Flying Hope!

Nefertimon: Nefertimon! The Angel of Light!

The two winged Digimon flew toward the rock creature heading to the Freelancers as their hooves glowed.


The two hooves glowed before swirling, breaking off a rock.

Digmon: Hurry, before more show up!

Halsemon: Right, let's get out of here, friends!

Wormmon: (fearfully) Good luck!

A few more rock creatures tried snatching or biting at the good guys that ran while the armored Digimon were using their attacks.

Digmon: No you don't! (fires his drills) GOLD RUSH!!

A few were broken to pieces.

Halsemon: Better make it fast! TEMPEST WING!!

The Digimon swirled with more rocks broken. Up ahead, the group kept running, jumping and evading the rock monsters trying to snatch them.

Mina: Keep running, everyone! KEEP RUNNING!!

Rarity: Don't tell me that! (points behind) Tell THEM that!

Dingo: (panics) Oh bloody hell! I'm gonna die here!! (Anime tears) And I had so much to live for!

Nic: (dryly) YOU with so much to live for?

Sleet: We're nearly clear of the-

At that moment, moer of the monsters appeared in front of them.

Jim: (worried) No way, Ben. There's too many of them!

Pinkie: And me without a drill!

Rainbow: (glares) Ugh, we'll never get through!

Nack: Not unless you got weapons like we do.

Ben: (takes a club) Arm yourselves, pals! There's no other way up!

The familiar keyblades appeared to the four.

Jim: (realizes) Oh right, I nearly forgot about the keyblades.

Marine: Right. Let's take 'em down!

Psycho: (grins) All right, gang, when I say run...(shouts/darts off) RUN!!

Ben: HURRY!!

After a few moments of confusion, they shouted and charged with Wormmon on top of Ken's head as the others fought. Ben yelped as he was grabbed when trying to break it.

Jim: (gasps) Ben!

He smacked it, though it did nothing.

Mina: Not good!

Swiper: (angrily) Get off him, NOW!!

He stuffed his keyblade into the monster's mouth, holding it as Ben was released.

Tails: Let him go!

The keyblade was flung with Swiper catching his keyblade. The top bridge which was also a monster rock growled as it tried to grab them.

Fluttershy: Should we run through?

Some: (nods) Yes!

They charged together and as Ben and Jim jumped, grabbing and swinging by the claws, the rest jumped/flew through, landing at the other side. After a few moments, they sighed in relief.

Cody: At least we're all in one piece.

Yolei: (points) Holy crap, gang, look!!

She pointed to the top area.

Jim: (grins) It's the summit!

Kari: (grins) We made it!

Sticks: WHOOO!!

They hurried to the area.

Marine: (grins) Come on, move it!

They ran to the area, then Jim held the sapling proudly before preparing to bury it. However, the area started shaking.

Nack: AHHH! What the hell!?

Just then, the rocks below Ben, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Ken, Wormmon, TK, and Kari began rumbling as they screamed, most swallowed whole by a gigantic lizard-looking rock monster while Ben was held by its tongue.

Nack: (horrified) NOOOO!!

Mina: (grabs Ben) Let him go!!

Tails: (worried) Look out, Ben! It's another one!

Sticks: Uh yeah, we all knew that, Tails.

The lizard monster roars as it spits out acid.

Tails: Move it!

The gang dodges the acid quickly. The monster took out a trident and swings at his enemies who dodges each strike.

Nack: It's like dealing with the garden statue with Lance all over again!

Psycho: Ick, tell me about it.

Ben looked horrified, being pushed into the creature's mouth by the tongue.

Some: (panics) BEN!!

(End of Act 4)
As the crew from the Hispanola learn something about Rasticore & Toffee from the stowaway snakes, the Freelancers continue to head to the second summit. However, things get complicated with rock monsters.
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JusSonic's avatar
This is getting intense! Good work though.